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English Learning---Nursing students’ confidence in medication calculations predicts math exam performance

2009-03-13 19:14(点击: )

     The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties, including predictive validity, of the newly-developed nursing self-efficacy for mathematics(NSE-Math). The survey was comprised of the NSE-Math instrument and students’ demographic details.The NSE-Math is a 12 item scale that comprises items related to mathematic and arithmetic concepts underpinning medication calculations. The NSE-Math instrument was administered to second year Bachelor of Nursing students enrolled in a nursing practice subject. Students’ academic results for a compulsory medication calculation examination for this subject were collected. Study data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows, version 14.0.

    The newly-developed NSE-Math instrument demonstrated predictive validity with second year nursing students’ medication calculation examination results. Students with low self-efficacy obtained lower marks in their mathematics examination. Instruments such as the NSE-Math may assist in identifying mathematical and arithmetical areas that students areless confident in performing when undertaking medication calculations. Psychometric testing suggests the NSE-Math is a valid measure of mathematics self-efficacy of second year nursing students.

    In addition,we learned lots of expressing methods in medicine area and other areas, such as: morbidity and mortality, contraindication, optimise, tertiary education,the psychometric properties, self-efficacy, oblique rotation,in accordance with sth.for sb.,etc.