Today we studied a SCI article titled Social support and caregiving circumstances as predictors of caregiver burden in Taiwan.
This study aimed to investigate the association between perceived and received social support and caregiver burden. A cross-sectional study was carried out on 301 family caregivers. Data was collected using structured questionnaires. The result showed that the caregiver burden was best predicted by two perceived and one received social support variables. Caregiver burden was likely to be higher when the caregivers had lower levels of family function and social support. Perceived social support was better at predicting caregiver burden than received social support.
From the article, we gained a great deal of enlightenment. First, we knew that family function has an important influence on caregiver burden. Second, we realized that we should pay more attention to our daily life in order to find out the useful theme in nursing research. Third, we all thought that this article was not too difficult to understand and the method used in the study was easy to carry out, which indicated that we should be self-confident that we can do well in nursing research if we keep studying from the previous studies and doing the groundwork well.