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English leaning----Health behaviours in older cancer survivors in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

2009-10-15 17:27(点击: )

   Today we studied an English paper titled “Health behaviours in older cancer survivors in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing ” which assessed health behaviours in cancer survivors in a population-based sample of older adults in the United Kingdom  and the prevalence of smoking, alcohol consumption and physical activity was compared in cancer survivors and those with no cancer diagnosis. Associations between health behaviours and quality of life (QoL) and depressive symptoms were compared in both groups.

    The results showed that cancer survivors were more likely to be former smokers and less likely to do moderate or vigorous physical activity than those with no cancer diagnosis. Physical activity was associated with better QoL and lower depressive symptoms, and smoking with poorer QoL and higher depressive symptoms, in both groups.

    In conclusion, the cancer survivors should follow recommendations for cancer and heart disease prevention in the general population and research into effective means of promoting healthy lifestyle in cancer survivors is required.