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Department of Preclinical Dentistry

The School of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University which was the first dental School completely founded by the Chinese in 1935.  


The Section of Preclinical Dentistry was originated in 1942 by Professor Wang Huiyun, Lu Xianyun, et al, and named Department of Basic Dentistry in 1955, which was the first department to carry out systemic basic research on oral anatomical physiology and oral histopathology. The first Chinese book of "Dental Histology"was published in 1944 and "Oral Embryology and Histology" in 1956. In 1958, the monograph of "Dental Anatomy" based on the data of Chinese was published for the first time. "Cell Culture" published in 1996 was the first for graduate students recommended by Ministry of Education. In 1990, the research "The fabrication and clinical application of the monoclonal antibody of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)" was granted for the first prize of Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress. In 1997,"The establishment and application of muco-epider moid carcinoma cell line MEC-1"was prized as the 3rd class of National Scientific and Technological Achievements.

 The Section was one of the first state-admitted doctor and master degree authorization. In 1994, the Department of Basic Dentistry was developed as a Preclinical Section including 4 departments: Department of Oral Anatomical Physiology, Department of Oral Histopathology, Department of Oral Materials and Department of Oral Biology. In 1995, the section was approved as post-doctoral station. In 1996, the Section became the national 211-Projects Key Subject. It was selected as the "Cheung Kong Scholars Program" Professor working position and the key department of Shaanxi province in 1999 as well as the military Top Priority Subject in 2000.

The researchers of this section discovered Mcpr1(mouse cleft palate 1 gene), the cleft palate related gene, revealed the mechanism of effect of stem cell on dental development and regeneration, developed the first tissue engineering product in the country, and first proposed the etiology of gradual occlusion disorder in TMJ disease. Established the first MEC cell line provided the theoretical basis and technological support for the progress of dentistry.

At present, there are 74 excellent academic members including 21 professors, 23 associate professors and 27 lecturers in the section. 74% of the members obtained doctor degree. The combination of different ages and different positions is a reasonable structure.

The section has functional research platform occupied a total area of 2,800 square meters, including tissue engineering research center, oral biology research center, oral biomechanical and materials research center, equipped with advanced facilities such as pressure testing system in cell culture, protein purifying system and rotated cell culture system, which cost more than 20 million RMB. 

The section has made remarkable scientific achievements since the 10th Five-Year Plan. 63 national and provincial projects, including national Project "973" and "863" ones with the total grant of 20.185 million, as well as 19 projects supported by enterprises and international-cooperation with the grant of 4 million were obtained. It attained 1 first-class and 7 second-class provincial award were gained. The staff of this section had more than 50 papers published in international periodicals with 37 in SCI journals. Moreover, we got 6 national invention patents.

In order to catch up with and surpass the world frontier of advanced oral research, the previous research directions should be constantly concentrated. By means of advanced genomics, proteomics and other research tools, the subjects of "Oral and Maxillofacial Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine", "Oral Biomechanics," "Oral Oncobiology" and" Science of New Oral Polymer Applied Materials "will be further investigated.

Air Force Medical University(AFMU)

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