clinical anaesthesia and pain treatment
Our department was established in 1983, and developed into clinical department in 1995, whose pain treatment outpatient was built in 2004. Our department was outstanding medical traditionary pioneer. Our main task is clinical anesthesia and pain treatment. We have six splendid operation rooms equipped with advanced equipments, such as anesthesia machines of Dranger brand, eight multiparameter life symptom monitors, a blood gas analyzer,a lung function meter, multi-anesthesic gas and the end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure monitors, and a cardiac output monitor. All the equipments support six general anesthesia with invasive or non-invasive life symptom monitor at the same time. Especially for serious and complex patients’ anesthesia, such as patients who have the difficulties of intubation, we have higher techniques, For example we once have managed the anesthesia of “concave female”, huge maxillofacial angioma and transplant of blood vessel successfully. Since twenty-four years ago, we have managed thousands of clinical anesthesia including more than six thousands children and infants’ anesthesia by no accidents and complications. In these patients, the eldest is 92 years old, and the youngest is only two days after born. It’s the best level that we have completed the medical task highly and standard with mortality rate of anesthesia. In our thriving educational program, leading clinicians train anesthesiologists, medical students, and practicing clinicians. In daily task, we also find out gradually one whole set of experiences that construct department comprehensive, it makes department evaluated as outstanding basic construction unit of school and the pioneer department of hospital by the school many times.
Dr.Xu Lixian is a Professor,the chair of the department of Anesthesia, the co-chair of the department of Maxillofacial surgery in the third affiliated hospital of the Fourth military medicine university(Stomatology Hospital) and the guidance teacher of master、doctor、postdoctoral student, who was born on January in 1956 in Jiangsu Province. In 2002, he went to the department of clinical pharmacology in Toronto Children's Hospital as visiting scientist. His current research focus on the anesthesia pharmacology and the mechanism and application research for the treatment of Hyperoxic Liquid on the anoxic diseases. Dr.Xu Lixian starts a new affiliated method of affording oxygen by the vein and oral way.
He is chief principal researcher of three national natural science funds, two province funds, one millitary medical key scientific and technical payoffs promotion project, one military key fund and one ChangJiang scholar key teacher fund. He published one hundred and ten academic papers, including sixty papers as the principal author. He also acquired many kinds of rewards, such as eight scientific and technical progress and medical payoffs, the first prize of military scientific and technical progress, the first prize of Shaanxi province scientific and technical progress, the second prize of military scientific and technical progress, the third prize of military scientific and technical progress, three national invention patents.

Dr.Xu Lixian is a member of American Society of Anesthesiologists(ASA), the military medicine experts library , Shaanxi Province anesthesia clinical quality control center and standing committee of Anesthesia and Resuscitation of the military professional Committee. He chairs Xi'an Institute of anesthesia, who also co-chairs Anesthesiology Group of Chinese Stomatological Association and Shaanxi Institute of anesthesia. He is the editor or editorial board member of Journal of the Military University (English), Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology, Foreign Medical Sciences(Anesthesiology and Resuscitation), Journal of Practical Stomatology and the communications editor of Chinese journal of anesthesiology, and so on.