What situations are dental implants applicable to?
Dental implants can be placed in single, multiple or complete teeth missing situations and maxillofacial defects as well due to all kinds of reasons.
Implant patients must meet the following conditions:
1 older than 17-18 years, without a highest limit of age;
2 without severe medical diseases;
3 with good healing and defense capacities;
4 with good oral hygiene.
Special medical technology
1 reconstruction of fully edentulous jaws
2 restoration of multiple teeth lose combined with severely bone absorption
3 implant supported obturator prosthesis
Prof.Liu Baolin,
Liu Baolin, M., 25th April, 1935, Beijing, China. Bachelor degree, graduated at department of Stomatology, 4th Military Medical University, 1962. Professor, Chief Physician, Tutor of PhD of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Member of the Expert Group of the 4th Military Medical University, Member of International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (IAOMS). Consultant of Chinese Association of Oral &Maxillofacial Surgery, Association of Stomatology of PLA, Chinese Implantology Committee, and Association of Stomatology of Shannxi Province. Vice chief member of Cranio-Maxillofacial Implantology Group, Branch of artificial internal organ, Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering. Evaluation expert of the Medical & Health committee for National Science & Technology Awards, and of the National Natural Science Foundation. Vice editor-in-chief of the China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, editor of 11 journals including Chinese Journal of Stomatology. State Council special allowance award.
Prof. Li Dehua
born in 1966 April, director of department of dental implants, visiting scholar of Berne University under supervision of Prof. Buser, Vice chairman of implantological committee of CSA, skilled in implant surgery and treatment of complicated cases.
Associate Prof. Song Yingliang, graduated from Beijing university school of dentistry in 1988, permanent member of implantological committee of CSA, skilled in implantology and prosthodontics including complicated removable and fixed denture restoration.